When you live in Virginia and hope to adopt a child, you must follow a specific process that
Building Forever Families
One Child at a Time
One Child at a Time
Karen M. Holman
What Are Your Rights as An Unmarried Parent?
The shape of traditional American households has shifted significantly within the past decade
Karen M. Holman
How Does Surrogacy Work?
When couples struggle to conceive naturally, they must turn to other options. Surrogacy is one
Karen M. Holman
Differences Between Fostering and Adopting Children
Children in foster homes may have experienced neglect or health and safety issues while living
Karen M. Holman
What Are Ways to Fund an Adoption?
The hope of expanding your family through adoption might seem like a distant one. Adoption
Karen M. Holman
What Are the Differences Between Closed and Open Adoption?
As prospective parents looking into your adoption options, you need to start at the basics and